Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oprah's Best Life....

I am usually not a TV watcher, I just get bored with it too fast but there are two shows I will be watching in 2009 to motivate me reach my goal weight. The first one is Oprah's best life series. This will last one week targeting different areas in our lives. Oprah revealed her recent 40 pound weight gain and shared her feelings about "falling off the wagon" in January's issue of O Magazine .

The 54-year-old talk show host went from weighing 160 pound in 2006 to 200 pounds and admits that she is mad at herself. Especially since she knows what to do to keep the weight off.

Oprah Winfrey plans to discuss her weight gain on the Oprah Show "Best Life Week" which begins January 5, 2009.

I think Oprah is great to talk about it and be open about it. Makes her more real and we all go through ups and downs in life. The shows will focus on: weight loss, money, health, relationships, and money. Starts monday so mark it on your calender! What are your weight loss motivators?

New Year, New You...

I took a few minutes tonight to reflect on the last year and think of somethings I need to work on. I usually have about a million goals that I only reach one or two of but this year I only set a few goals I feel that I can reach with effort. For many, it is to lose weight or to get into shape. Here are a few helpful tips for getting you a jump start on your weight loss goals:

1. Start small. Make realistic, attainable goals. You want to stay motivated, so by setting and meeting small goals will keep your fire burning and you will feel strong to take on another more challenging goal.

2. Try to eat out less often. Unless you are personally preparing your food you truly have no idea what or how many calories and fat you are taking in.

3. Incorporate more exercise into your routine. If you’re not ready for daily exercise, doing some every other day would be great, especially if you never exercise.

4. Plan ahead. The more organized you can be the easier you will make it on yourself and the less likely you will be to slip up.

5. Reward yourself. And this doesn’t have to necessarily be a food reward either. Allow yourself to be treated with a new article of clothing, buying a book, CD, movie, going on a trip, a day spa treat, whatever. After you accomplish one or a few of your mini goals you should treat yourself.

6. Keep track of your progress. Keep a food and exercise journal and make sure you keep track of your emotions along the way.

7. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up. Also, if you slip and cheat once in the day, that day is not lost, you can immediately get yourself back on track. However, continuing to cheat throughout the day you are really making it hard on yourself to make and maintain the proper behavior changes you need to make in order to succeed.

8. Stick to it. People say it takes about 21 days for a new activity, such as exercising, to become a habit, and six months for it to become part of your personality. Your new healthful habits will become second-nature in no time.

I am going to try to consistent in keep this blog going mostly as a reminder to myself of what I need to do. So spread the word and good luck with your goals.