Sunday, January 4, 2009


Studies show that 90% of women have visible cellulite. Most people get it on their rear end. For me my rear is fine but I have it on my upper inner arm. It seems like no matter how many push ups I do or weight lifting it is still there. Sometimes i think it is gone then i see it in a certain light and its still there! I really don't like it. I one time tried the Mary Kay cellulite stuff which I can honestly say didn't work. This stuff is said to work but I am skeptical about it......
It says in 4 weeks it will be gone. It is not worth even a try at 1,600$ for me! Well what is it and how do you get rid of it.......
Cellulite is fat - plain ol' ordinary fat. What is term "cellulite" is actually a dimpling effect of fat caused by the way fat cells lie in or between connective tissue in the body, primarily in the hips-thighs-buttocks region. Connective tissue extends from the skin to the muscle below. Fat cells, especially when they get bigger, "push up" against the tissue to create the dimplin.

Another factor which influences who will show more cellulite is where the body tends to store fat. Women who deposit fat in their hips and thighs tend to have more cellulite than women who store fat around their waists -- again, this falls under the control of your genes.

The treatments tighten the skin briefly to reduce the appearance of cellulite; that is what all the creams and lotions you can buy over-the-counter will do. Cellulite is fat, and it seems to be harder to lose than other areas of fat on the body; this may stem from the way fat cells are embedded in connective tissues. To reduce the amount of fat that is absorbed and stored or burned by the body, eat less fat, consume fewer calories, and exercise.

I cannot recommend any legitimate, scientific literature on cellulite treatments because they don't exist (the literature, and a true "treatment"). Just eat less, exercise more- the answer the every dieting question!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh, sad that there's no secret to get rid of it. :) Are stretch marks any different? hmmmmm

Very interesting post though.